The basis of all successful selling is confidence. This does not mean blind hope - it is more about how you think about yourself and the future.
Confident people believe in themselves and their abilities to sell. To create trust, the first thing that you sell is yourself. While self-belief does not guarantee a sale, it always increases the probability of success.
If you go into a selling situation and you don't even believe in yourself, the customer won't believe in you either - and they won't believe what you say. Your doubt will become their doubt, and doubt does not lead to the sale.
Informed Optimism
Blind belief is not always a good thing. Being positive because you have studied the product and the customer is greater reason to be confident. Belief and optimism provide powerful support, but they don't replace factual knowledge.
If you're ready to sell with good information at your fingertips, then you have good reason to be optimistic. Even if you don't have complete information, a tendency to optimism also helps create a positive attitude.
Self-belief and an optimistic approach lead to a "can-do" attitude, which means you'll get out there and create the sale through your thoughts and actions. Belief is not enough: You've got to put in the work too.
Pride placed outside yourself is an important attitude that communicates and transmits itself to your customers
Pride in the company
First, you should be proud to work at your company. Associating yourself with the brand and values should make you feel good. You should be happy to tell others what to do.
Pride in the product
Secondly, you should be proud of what you are selling. Just thinking that you have the privilege of selling such a fine product should make you very happy. As with pride in the company, an intrinsic pride in the product is a powerful motivator, both for you and for your customer.
Self-belief attitude is a caring attitude. Show your customers that you care about them - and how the products you're selling can help. Care for customers can include taking time out from your normal selling context to check up on them and that they're happy with the product. When others know that you care about them, personally, then they will be far more willing to trust you - and trust is the first doorway toward selling.